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Calculation of power supply time of apcups

The battery power supply time is mainly affected by load size, battery capacity, ambient temperature, battery discharge cut-off voltage and other factors. Generally, the power supply time of UPS battery can be calculated by calculating the battery discharge current, and then the discharge time can be found out according to the battery discharge curve.

After power failure, UPS is powered by battery energy storage. The standard UPS has its own battery in the unit, which can continue to power for several minutes to dozens of minutes after power failure. The long-term UPS is equipped with external battery pack, which can meet the need of continuous power supply when the user has a long-term power failure. The full load configuration time of a general long-term UPS can reach more than hours.

Generally, the backup time of long-term UPS is mainly limited by battery cost, installation space and battery recharge time. Generally, ups and generator are used to cooperate in power supply in areas with poor power environment and frequent power outages. When the power is cut off, the UPS is powered by the battery for a period of time. If the power is cut off for a long time, the standby generator can be started to continue to power the ups, and then the ups can be switched to the mains power supply when the mains power is restored.

Calculation of battery power supply time

The battery power supply time is mainly affected by load size, battery capacity, ambient temperature, battery discharge cut-off voltage and other factors. Generally, the power supply time of UPS battery can be calculated by calculating the battery discharge current, and then the discharge time can be found out according to the battery discharge curve. The discharge current of the battery can be calculated according to the following empirical formula:

Discharge current = UPS capacity (VA) × power factor / average battery discharge voltage × efficiency

To calculate the actual load discharge time, just change the ups capacity to the actual load capacity.


Contact: APC UPS Power Supply (China) Co., Ltd.

Phone: 13001085780

Tel: 400-881-0312

Email: 197652078@qq.com

Add: Time Network Building, No. 19 Haidian South Road, Haidian District, Beijing

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